Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Blogrolling – How important ?

Is blogrolling a favour to others or a convenience for ourselves ? Is collecting links from other blogs so important ?

Quite often I have been asked about my blogroll. People say they can not see my blogroll ! Many a times I am also asked by fellow bloggers to exchange links. i.e. if I blogroll them or in simple terms if I link them on my blog, they’ll also do me the ‘favour’.

My humble answer till now remains the same.. “No, I don’t have a blogroll for this blog and sorry, I can not have one here. Thank you very much”.

Of course, I know what a blogroll is and I do have one for my other blog but not here.

Well, there are several reasons why I say that.

First and foremost, I have well above 100 regular readers who come & often comment on my blog. To me, all of you readers are very dear and equally important. I DO NOT want to make any favourites among you though I might have some. I sincerely value your opinions on my blog and try to grow with them.
I agree, in the beginning when there were a few readers I had a blogroll; but now it is just not feasible for me to link your ever increasing list here on this blog just to get a link back in return.

Second, there are a few silent admirers of my blog who read ALL my posts including EACH & EVERY comment but refrain from commenting. I get their views through other means. Whether they are bloggers or not, is not a question here, but if I blogroll (read favour) others then why not these silent admirers as well (which in turn would hamper their privacy) ?? I would not want to do that at any cost.

Third, I have other better ways of tracking your blogs and updates. Tell me, don’t I come to your blog ? I even revisit to check your responses to my queries if I had one.

Fourth, but not any less important, I do not want to succumb to the greediness of this mad race.

However, I am very thankful to all of you who have blogrolled me without expecting a favour in return (Some of you have done so on your first visit itself !). Thank you very much. I am honoured; I value the gesture shown by each one of you. And don’t forget, I value your opinions on my blog.

Well, my way of linking your blog is slightly different. I link you through my posts, quizzes and tags wherever I find it appropriate. Tags are one of the nicer ways where one HAS to link the person as Tag rules demand that.
If for you, the purpose is to get a link from me.. well, you are getting one ! Not how you wanted it but the way I do it. :)
Also similarly, I do expect you to mention my blog if you happen to refer to it in any way.

Waitttt. That doesn’t mean I don’t read your blogs. Yes, I don’t browse but READ ALL your posts irrespective of whether I leave a comment or not. Come on, having so many blogs to read, you can not expect me to comment every time. There is a saying “Don’t say if you don’t have anything to say”. I don’t believe in leaving comments like “Great post” or “Nice pictures” just to show my presence on your blog. But sooner or later, the comments do come by. You all know it, right ?

And heyy you, all newcomers in the last one month... like Ansari, Aashi, Ashutosh, Ajith, Beast, claytonia, Sahil, Indicaspecies, Praveen, Kulpreet, Rads, Jarvarm, Edmund, Desh.. Ah and many more. Thanks for coming & bearing my rambling thoughts.
It doesn’t matter whether you blogroll me or not but I need you & your valued opinions here.

In the end, my sincere apologies once again if I am blunt in refusing or for not doing the favour of linking.

Current Song: Chaand Sifarish Jo Karta Hamari - Fanaa

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Anonymous said...

Oh, but then there are other reasons such as (1) I found your blog thru some other blog, don't you think others deserve the same chance? (2) I love your travel blog and I'd love to find similar blogs. The web is such a mess, I'd gladly accept your recommendations because you already have won credibility. (3) Blogs universally command such high readership just because they link people with similar interests together to form little communities. (4) Nothing wrong in having a list of blogs, that doesn't mean you are discriminating against others. In fact, you are encouraging more people to write :).. hehee!!

But in a way, you are right. Many a times a blog roll is just an infinite list of unrelated blogs and it makes no sense if you are not visiting them regularly.

Anyway, that was just a feeble attempt at brainwashing you, and I presume it will not fail unless you are strongly opinionated already.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Hi cuckoo,

I hadn't noticed you didn't have one! I do find mine useful, as it instantly allows me access to my favourite sites, without my having to troll through my comments section to find them. I am not afraid of upsetting those I haven't listed. I never request to be linked, so I am not oblidged to link anyone whose site I don't feel reflects what I endorse. I have never sought permission to lik anyone to my site, and no one has yet objected. Telling them they are linked could be interpreted as I am implying they should also link me -and I would never wish to be so presumptiuos. I have been asked occassionally to include the odd blog on my roll, and I always give the same stock answer; if I'd wished it to be there, it would already be linked! I am delighted some see fit to place my site on their blog, that is their decision, it is still not their automatic right to then be listed on mine..

Cuckoo said...

First of all, let me thank you for such an elaborate & lovely comment. :)
My answer to your queries.

1) Oh yes, they definitely deserve it. Now that you’ve become a regular here, you’ll come to know of it slowly. Most of my readers read comments put by others and if they think they share similar viewpoint, they visit each other’s site. I am very happy about that. My point here is they should not go only by my words, they should judge themselves.
And I think this is one of the platforms to do so.

2) To some extent, you are right. And that’s why I have a blogroll there. It is easy to maintain a blogroll there. That also reminds me to put you in the list. ;)

3) I think pt 1 answers to this as well. Also, anyone who comes here can go to the other person’s blog (as they always do). Who am I to stop them and why should I ? They are forming a community, the root or base is my blog & I am glad to be a part of it.

4) I never said I don’t have a list of blogs.. it’s just that it is not visible here. And you all are part of my list. Aren’t you ?

My point of contention is slightly different. What do you think of the people who ask you openly to link them in return of a link from them ? Should I or shouldn’t I ? What are they trying to convey ? It pisses me off when they try to bribe me.
BTW, you never said anything about the points I have mentioned. Is it really feasible for me to use one of my sidebars just to have those 100+ blog list ? Just to show my 'love' for them ? I would rather utilize it for some other purpose as I am doing now. And if my readers are mature enough they'll understand it.

Ohh I love these type of discussions. :)
Thank you once again.

Cuckoo said...

I hadn't noticed you didn't have one!.. Did it make any difference to you ? I guess not. And that’s what I wanted. As long as you are in my list (wherever it may exist), no one should mind it… not you, not me.

I do find mine useful, as it instantly allows me access to my favourite sites, without my having to troll through my comments section to find them... No, I don’t use my comments section to go to their blog. As I said, I have other easier way of tracking them. Google Reader is the name. :)
Of course for newcomers I use the comments section.

Yes !! I also never request anyone to blogroll me. People have done it on their own. What puts me off is when people ask me to blogroll them.. in a way they try to bribe me.

Like you, I also have some favourite sites but I do not want to discriminate here on my blog for the simple reason that each one of them teaches me something and I do not want to lose that opportunity now. They spend time on my blog & try to make a space for themselves. I do not want to discourage them in any way.

Anonymous said...

i guess Blogging is essentially networking to certain extent. so blogrolling plays its part. you dont do it. thik hai. but you must be doing something, apart from writing. pooch raha hu ?

indicaspecies said...

It's my pleasure to be participating here with your lovely thoughts. And thank you very much for a warm welcome cuckoo :)

bEAST said...

Nice Pics, Great Post

I hadnt noticed that u don't have one till the poit where sum1 was trying to do bssnss with you. Lolz. Just trying to come up with an explanation!!

The reason I don't maintain a blogroll is the same as cited by you. The mad race. To me, my blog is not about increasing visitors. It is about things that I feel and thru my blog I reach you to see if what I feel is right and similar to what others feel. I love it when people are able to connect with my post and then they comment. For that is what I myself practice. Ive been here longer than a month. Been comming since March 2007 but didnt really comment earlier. Te first post I commented on was the one about bombay police and lovebirds. Check it out, you wont see me as bEAST in that, look for Jiwateshwar Singh.

The linking thru post thing, that i think is the most effective way. Cause when you link it thru a post, then the link you are setting out, would be smthing relevant to the current line of thot in ur post. So people who understod your post would wanna read sumthing similar and only they wud then click on the link. Right? So it is much better than blogrolling.

The only links I maintain on my site are those to my friends blogs, and other bloggers will find there place in there when we can call ourselves as friends and not networkers. Lolz

Nice that you addressed my present line of thought. Coz I rcvd a visitor who wants me to blogroll their blog and I was just not getting around to being able to tell her that I cant blogroll her just coz she has blogrolled me :)

Now I enlightened by your post, I shall face my fears and be straight to the point. Lolz. Jai javan jai kisaan!!

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm hmmmmm hmmmmmm, i thought u had just messed up ur layout like me ;), didnt knw tht taking out ur blogroll had so many reasons :)

i've to agree with priyank, i usually navigate to other blogs thru these blogrolls available in someone's blog i really love. its much easier tht way than to 'search' for blogs on web.

n yes, some people do ask for a blogroll exchange. i never ask myself, but if someone asked me, i'd go ahead n blog roll them.i feel jus a link in my blog is not really worth to hurt a person.

n gosh its not at all discriminatory or derogatory to blogroll someone or not to blogroll someone, take it easy dear !

Sharda said...

According to me blog rolling is good,not as a favor but for convenience.Some blogs are indeed good read and you want to come back again,dosen't matter whether you post a comment or not.
So a good blog is worth blog rolling

Cuckoo said...

First, I am very scared of strangers. Oh ! How much I wanted to link you on my blog but alas ! You haven’t left any address, not even your name.

Yeah, you are right. I do ‘something’ apart from my writing but I think that is none of your business. If you were really interested in knowing, you’d have found it on the blog itself.

You are welcome. :)

Cuckoo said...

First things first. Shall I say something about you in a nutshell ? *You are nutsss* lolz. Sorry for telling it in public. ;)

First, request you to read my reply to Priyank & Carol... My first two replies. Not gonna type it again.

I love it when people are able to connect with my post and then they comment… Same reason here.

Check it out, you wont see me as bEAST in that, look for Jiwateshwar Singh… Oh tabhi mujhe aapki shakal kuch jaani-pehchaani si lagi. :P

The linking thru post thing, that i think is the most effective way… Ditto !!

Coz I rcvd a visitor who wants me to blogroll their blog.. I am aware of it. She went from here to your blog & did the same. :) Once again proving my point that people do visit each other’s site from my blog if they want to.

Jai javan jai kisaan!!.. Mera Bharat Mahaan ?

Cuckoo said...

Chill yaar. ;)
its much easier tht way than to 'search' for blogs on web… That was the very first statement I was mulling over ! Read it again. Is it for our convenience or for others ?

if someone asked me, i'd go ahead n blog roll them.i feel jus a link in my blog is not really worth to hurt a person…Oh, I am not so kind hearted person as you are. I am more practical. Moreover, this type of bribing puts me off.
I honestly pray that you get 100+ blogrolls very soon then let me have your views again. :) And chill again. You are FREE not to agree with me.

Cuckoo said...

According to me blog rolling is good,not as a favor but for convenience… Exactly ! For convenience. What if the no. of blogs are too many ? What if I have other convenient means of tracking their progress ?

claytonia vices said...

Cuckoo, I never thought so much about a blogroll :) i simply thought of it as a convenience... but now I discovered the Favourites folder in explorer but that is restricted to the comp I am using and I won't be able to access those blogs elsewhere.

Yes, the blogs I want to visit now regularly have increased to a number that I wonder might make my blogroll too long...

Hey cuckoo now I want to know, which are the other convenient ways of tracking blogs?? I could never figure out what RSS meant...

Aditi said...

well initially i had a blogroll for the pure reason of knowing when blogs were updated...but then i shifted to google reader and my blogroll lies there unupdated.. sometimes i am asked by ppl that they are not on my blogroll and i tell them that i just havent updatead it in a long time..
the point of this ramble.. i kinda know what u mean

Cuckoo said...

What I am trying to say here is that if no. of blogs are less, there is no harm in having one but it makes a difference when one has to visit a large no. of blogs. In any case, it should be absolutely your choice, not because some other person wants you to do it.

I could never figure out what RSS meant... I am in as dark as you are !! I use Google reader.

Cuckoo said...

It does make a sense to have one when you have a small no. of blogs to visit or you don’t have anything else to put there in your sidebar.
What puts me off is the bribing part.. “I’ll link you if you link me back” or “Let us exchange links” kind of statements.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha, quite fortunate iam, not many people ask me to blogroll them (for obvious reasons u knw :).when u r so popular u've to bare these side effects ;)

Pijush said...

It depends on individuals. Not everyone can write nice, thought provoking posts with consistency, not everyone can be popular in Blog World. But each of us need some encouragement/motivation to continue blogging, so it on the individual what should he/she do.

Cuckoo said...

Oh yeah, I agree. :(

Hmmm... So what do you say ? In your view, what I am doing is right or wrong ?

SiD said...

ya.. if you such a huge readership base then its quite difficult to blogroll everyone...
and its gud that u r reading all blogs.. in fact that is pretty amazing acc to me...
vaise btw.. see who I have recently blogrollled - at the top of my list

Anonymous said...

Nice post.... Unique! I agree with your reasons for not having a blogroll. Looking at the number of visitors you get, it's difficult to mention about some or all of them. Another side of having a blogroll is it widens the community circle. I am using another stuff at my blog. I have bookmarked photoblogs I regularly visit, and also wish others could enjoy them too!

Shruti said...

Hi Dear,
Well, i to think that for tracking others blog we have many others means than blogrolling and than thats cool too..
I keep on experimenting with different things, does my blog consist most of the features of it.

Anyways,Take care...

Sigma said...

This is a very fundamental question of the blogworld, and I am glad you opened a discussion on this.

Personally, I like to have a quick link to blogs I like to read often, on my front page - that is the primary reason for my blog-roll. Now, this is the point - I will link the blogs I like to read, which may or may not include the people who read my blog. I would like to "want" to reciprocate the visits to a blog, rather than be "obliged" to do so.
A second purpose is to recommend sites I have liked, to visitors to my blog, in the anticipation that they will also have similar interests as I do. Quite frequently, I have followed links from some blogs I regularly visit, and found other sites that interested me. After all, isn't the purpose of your blog to express your opinion? What you like to read is also a part of your opinion!

You say, if visitors to your blog want to check out blogs of other visitors, they can easily follow the links from the comments section. This is true, but if there are a large number of comments [as in your case :-D], a visitor may not be able to afford to go through all these comments. Speaking for myself, I appreciate people who can manage to do this, but I'll be happy to follow your recommendations of good sites :-)

Then comes the question of asking someone to blogroll you. Not too many people ask me to blogroll them [for obvious reasons ;-)], but if they did, especially if offering to return the favor, I would also be pissed off. I add a blog to my list, if I really like it, not because I expect them to do the same for me. On my list, there are quite a few blogs, that do not roll me (even though they maintain a list!); and in some cases, I am content just to read them even without leaving comments as a token of my presence. Like you, I too strongly belieive in "If you have nothing to say, say nothing". :-D

Praveen Krishnan said...

Cuckoo: I did not realise that you did not have a blogroll.

Cuckoo, I am going to delete your blog name from my blogrolling list, since you do not have a return "favour" list!!!!! :-)

It really does not matter to me that I have to blogroll some blogs, since I make it a point to visit those everyday irrespective of what happens, even though I do not get enough time to update my blog regularly. Of course I do miss out on reading the comments in your blog since that would mean reading about fifty comments on the fly at one shot :-)

Sam said...

I blogroll... but dats because... it makes it easier to travel through blogs... and access them easily from anywhere I want... dats my purpose.. and nothing else...
btw, i wonder what induced you to rant like dis??

Anonymous said...

hahaha! that is a funny pic lol
100 regulars are a lot, cuckoo-chan!!

Craver Vii said...

So, are you saying I'm special and unique, just like everyone else? ;-)

Catmoves said...

I'm with shrink. After I read this post I had to check the sides to see whether or not there was a "blogroll". (Thanks for teaching me a new word.) Not that I didn't believe you, but the "Let me see with my own eyes" sorta thing.
Thumper, the rabbit in Bambi, said: "My momma told me if you don't have something nice to say about someone, then don't say anything"
However. I don't think that applies to politicians.
And you don't have to apologise, either.

Cuckoo said...

Yes, do you remember earlier I used to have a blogroll when I was new here ? But it is literally not feasible right now. Out of those 100+, at least 50 blogs I would like to visit ? Even that no. is quite high for display. Moreover, at times people come & talk about exchanging links or doing favour.. That’s what puts me off completely.
That is one of my reasons not to blogroll anyone. Bas soch liya.

its gud that u r reading all blogs.. Arre, come on I don’t read 100 blogs daily. It is total. It takes time. And look at the time when I am replying to you !! I am yawning here.

Yeah, checked that link. I knew you are his fan but itna zyada ?

Cuckoo said...

Thank you for understanding my viewpoint.
Yes, I agree with you about community thing but even that I can’t display here… the list is too long… Photography, travel, others.. What all I can display here & why ?
And to be honest & frank, I would like to see my convenience first before thinking about others. ;)

Cuckoo said...

I agree but tell me what if the no. of blogs are too many ? Will you still do it ?

Craver Vii said...

After reading this post, I streamlined my blogroll just a little bit.

Keshi said...

first of all 'Chaand Sifarish' is one of my FAV Hindi songs! Lovely number.

I dun blogroll...simply cos of the same reason u stated..I dun have any favs, cos everyone is equally imp n liked by me. Also, if i kept blogroll, I'd run out of space cos of all the ppl who come to my blog :)


Cuckoo said...

How’s your work ? Very busy ?
Thank you.
My main point of contention was should I oblige people to have a blogroll (for a linking purpose) or should I see my convenience first ? Yes, when I had a few blogs to read to, I had a blogroll but now I can not afford to have one.
Yes, you are right when you say it is difficult to go to another site from comment section of my blog but I have seen people doing it very frequently & am glad about it. It also gives you a chance to know the person’s views about that particular post before visiting his/her site. When you know somebody’s views beforehand, it makes your job easy whether to visit his/her site or not. Are you getting me ?

there are quite a few blogs, that do not roll me even though they maintain a list.. Ha Ha.. people like me !

Even I have never asked anyone to blogroll me but if they refer to my blog in any way, I would like them to give a pointer here as almost all have done so far.

Cuckoo said...

Oh oh Praveen, please don’t do that, give me sometime.. I’ll blogroll you immediately ;) Oh you are making me cry. :P

Yes exactly ! It does not matter to me as well, whether people blogroll me or not. If they do, I feel somewhat obliged because I am not able to do it. And then I try to visit their blog regularly which is actually good.. I learn a few things about how people think.
But but but.. if they ASK me to blogroll, then @#%^*&$@%
I hope you understand. :)

Cuckoo said...

I blogroll... but dats because it makes it easier to travel through blogs... Yes Sam, I was also doing the same when I had only a handful of blogs to visit. Tell me, when a new blogger comes to my blog regularly & leaves comment, shouldn't I visit his/her blog ? Won't it encourage people to write more if they have some visitors ? Even I fall in that category. Moreover, my thinking goes like this.. I am not a veteran here, I would also learn something from them.

i wonder what induced you to rant like dis??.. Well, read my post again.. specially this paragraph.. “Quite often I have been asked…. also do me the ‘favour’.”.

Cuckoo said...

Thank you. I am elated !!

Craver vii,
Welcome abroad !!
Oh yes, you got me right ! You are very special & unique, Birthday Boy ! ;)

And I am glad that this post could infuse you to do something about your blogroll.

Thanks for dropping by. Keep dropping.. err.. I mean keep coming. ;)

Cuckoo said...

Thank you. You are welcome. :)

Apologise ? Oh that’s my writing style.. I am courteous you know. ;) But believe me, I also know how to thrash people when time comes. Come on, you know it by my other posts.
Have a good day !

Cuckoo said...

Oh thank you.

I dun blogroll...simply cos of the same reason u stated.. Great minds think alike ??

Rafiki said...

I was browsing and like the look and feel of both ur blogs... N no I am not here to be on ur blogroll :)

Rishabh Kaul said...

Stumbled onto this page from Rohit Talwar's blog. And I must say, well said.
A blogroll isn't always necessary to convey to someone that they have caught your attention.

Pijush said...

You are absolutely right in your point,because you are a high-profile blogger but I do blogroll and feel I am correct too. Its because the readers can also find my choice and interests. Another point is I came to blog world after blogrolling Mridula, You, Sigma and Kalyan, so sometime its necessary for new bloggers to hold some hands and step into this World.

Sam said...

Cuckoo.... at times one has to politely ignore... i have done so... it never hurts...
I too am going to revamp my blog list.... i fear i'll soon run out of space... :P not do away wid it...i'll be lost without it!! :)
but yeah... i have to revamp the list very soon.... woteva remains.. wud be coz of quality or emotions.. nothing else!!

Nabeel said...

Well you have to understand the main idea behind blog rolls. Most of the requests you get is for the search engine ranking. Google, when determining page rank, looks at link integrity i.e. how many pages you link to (and are they good links) and how many sites link back to you (and are they good sites and how many sites link back to them and so on) .. hence the requests.

And well it is ok to have favorites .. many people who come on my blog have OK blogs .. not anything extraordinary .. most of the time their posts don't interest me at all. People who I link to are my friends and blogs that I think are nice. And of course i add a blog link if it is an upcoming blog and needs traffic.

Search engine optimization is an important aspect for blogs. Nabeel's Cosmos is very search engine savy. If you search my name, "Nabeel", my blog should be the first result :)

Mike Minzes said...

Great blog! I will be back for more!!


SiD said...

arrey haan yaar.. i dont think and dont expect you to read 100 blogs roz :... i shud have written u manage reading 100 blogs 'regularly'...
and ya i also got such request - of course i was like.. what??
khair.. simple sa funda hai.. its ur blog... you write in it...in short it is ur small home (or Nest) on this huge web.. so its your right how you will decorate ur nest/home...
as regards aamir khan, i dont think many know abt the blog.. and in fact it is quite interesting.. specially one blog where he explains how he prepared for the character of bhuvan - body language and all.. pretty intersting.. may be you can add 101st blog for reading.. hahahaa

Cuckoo said...

Welcome abroad !!
Thank you for liking the look & feel of my blogs but come & say something about the contents as well.

Ohh I was about to blogroll you. :P

Thanks for dropping by & keep coming.

Welcome to my blog !!
Thanks for understanding my viewpoint.

Thanks for dropping by, hope to see more of you.

Cuckoo said...

Heyy I think you got me wrong somewhere !
I never said the people who blogroll are wrong !! I was trying to tell why I can’t have a blogroll. As I have replied to many commenters here, in earlier days I too had a blogroll but not now.

sometime its necessary for new bloggers to hold some hands and step into this World… Why do you think I said all bloggers are very dear to me ? I could have avoided the new bloggers but no, I don’t want to do that.
Tell me, when a new blogger comes to my blog regularly & leaves comment, shouldn't I visit his/her blog ? Won't it encourage new people to write more if they have some visitors ? And even I fall in that category, no high-profile blogger I am.

Cuckoo said...

Sometimes it is difficult.

Good that you thought of revamping your bloglist but I still think you can rearrange your blog space in a better way w/o touching the bloglist.

Oh I didn’t go in those technicalities. I just wanted my convenience. Read my pt no. 4. I am not interested in any kind of race.

Yeah, I saw it… it is indeed no. 1 !!

Thanks for dropping by & keep coming.

Cuckoo said...

Mike M,
Welcome abroad !!
Thanks for liking it. And please do come by.

simple sa funda hai.. its ur blog... so its your right how you will decorate ur nest/home... Spot on !! Thanks for your support & understanding me. I mean it. :)

Unknown said...

Well, I agree with your blog in its entirety, and to answer your question as to Blogrolling – How important?, I'd say it depends-on whose blog it is. It is not important for you because you already have a huge readerbase and people frequent your articles. The comments on your articles give links to visitors to visit fellow visitors' blogs--you need not maintain another blogroll.

For people like me, who have single posts, it becomes important to at least maintain some good blogs' links so that the my readers do have something good to read till I post something on my own ;)

Like Shrink Wrapped Scream, bEAST, and many others, I had not noticed that you did not have a blogroll. I had not even noticed that you have a My Favourite Posts section until you told me that all your posts I liked were your favorites too, and that "There are (were) many more that I have (you had) not mentioned there".

Anyways, nice post, and I see that this brought you many new readers who'd like to blogroll you. ;)

Cuckoo said...

Thanks for coming over. Hmmm should I say after quite a long time ? Busy?

I'd say it depends-on whose blog it is...Spot on !! I absolutely agree with you. Thanks for understanding my viewpoint. This is my blog & I would want my convenience first. Also I don't want to waste a full sidebar for blogroll when Google reader is happily doing the job of my blogroll. Moreover, I can display many other things.

This post was written from my point of view as why I don't have a blogroll. I never said people should not have it. And you don't have to justify why you have it. :) I also mentioned that even I had it in my earlier days. Please read my post again.. specially this paragraph.. “Quite often I have been asked…. also do me the ‘favour’.”. This is what puts me off. I want to encourage new bloggers in whatever way I can but not this way.

Glad that you read other people's comments. Request you to go thru my replies to them as well..specially my 2nd reply to Pijush. You'll get a picture.

Anonymous said...

in wordpress i 've the option to make the blogroll visible or invisible, or to make only certain links visible, while others invisible. so i can have my cake and not show it too :)

Keshi said...

definitely! :)


Cuckoo said...

Oh Mavreick, Now that you have started using WP, slowly you'll come to know of many differences between blogger & WP. I would highly appreciate if you do a detailed study & post it.
Trust me, I would be the first person to read it.


ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

clap clap.
that's a bold thing to say, and is a very true too..
I seem to remember my regular reads by the url, and I never really use the blogroll.
updated it only once, and that too because someone wanted me to..

PS: i know youre cuculus, so you dont need to be there for my convenience

Anonymous said...

Where is the band-aid....???Very Hurt.....!!


Anonymous said...

sure sure sure ! will do it soon.

Cuckoo said...

Thank you thank you.

Ha Ha..

Ouch !!

:) Thank you. Looking forward to it.

Unknown said...

Yes Cuckoo, have been keeping up very busy last week. And I see that there has been a lot of activity on your blog these days.

As I said, I fully agree with you on your 'views' about blogroll--I understand that asking you the favor puts you off.

I was not justifying my reasons for having a blogroll; the way you wrote this post about NOT having a blogroll ("I was trying to tell why I can’t have a blogroll."), I wrote that comment about having one. :)

I do read readers comments and your replies too. I believe we stand at the same point. I know you've been encouraging new bloggers in better ways. I was thinking of commenting on one of the several posts on your blog but you did it on the debut post on mine before that :) Thanks :)

Cuckoo said...

You are welcome. :)
Do I have to say anything now specially when we both understand the point ? :)
I appreciate your effort in reading comments & replies as well. It helps in long run.

You are welcome again & you know you have my full support for your blogging. Maybe I’ll write a full post for new bloggers. Let me see when I get time. Have many other things lined up. :(

Thanks for coming over. Keep coming & let me know your views, they help me in growing.

Mumbai Guy said...

Oh My!! Kitna funda maarti hai yeh ladki.

Cuckoo said...

Oh yeah !! ;)

rads said...

Sweetly and practically put. My thoughts too :) Intially I'd just had a handful of folks, now it's increasing so much that I am debating to remove that whole section of it altogether. Maintenance issues is the least of the worries.

In any case, you are perceptive on recognizing a newbie and that's cool :) I have you bookmarked not blogrolled ;-)

Anonymous said...

There is one more reason why people will ask you to blogroll - "pagerank"

Merisi said...

Blogwonderland. :-)
I am learning a whole new vocabulary here, "pagerank", "most read", "blogroll". The last one I sort of guessed, the other ones I have no idea how you figure that one out, but find it interesting that it exists.
I got into this blogging experience by trying to find a simple way to keep my friends sort of up to date after my move to Vienna, a city entirely new to me and to most of them. You were one of the first visitors I do not know personally, who left a comment (I think it took a year before anybody left any comments, my friends rather send mails). I then started clicking on the blogs of my visitors and, if I thought I had something to say, I left a comment too. I do have what I now know is a "blogroll", or better, two of them, but have never thought that anybody not linked would feel neglegted or not valued. I like to show my appreciation by trying to comment every now and then, like you, I oftentimes simply do not feel just saying something to be visible or so.
Lots of joy with your blog, Cuckoo, and it's great having met you in this very interesting blogosphere. :-)

Catmoves said...

Just one remark from me. I found your blog through a blogroll on another site (Carol's).